Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday afternoon
I had a morning of children and pool. Got home, ate some chicken pie, fed my delicious stroganoff to the kids, had ice cream and now I am plugged on a Heroes marathon showing the second season. I really don’t know why I am writing in English, except that I had an urge for it.

This weekend has been busy but relaxing. Although I am not able to do as much sports as I had wished for, I like being active, out and about. I’d only wished that my friends were closer, and that we could make barbecue on a last minute call… It’s a European thing, this need for planning weekends in advance. If you try connecting with anyone for an impromptu meeting, everyone is caught on something or is miles and miles away. I must confess I am not much of an advance planner, as I am rather on the spontaneous decision making profile. Therefore, the environment and I don’t go very well on that end. But hey, life will not be perfect all around and although it is a very big cliché, I not only believe in it but also live my life by it.

So, this very ordinary life has also been around the virtual world during this afternoon. And, oh dear, does it deserve a comment? I’d guess not, except for my astonishment at wannabes trying their hardest to casually show how cool, fashionable and somewhat full of money they are. There are just a gazillion ways of doing that, from naming the price to the item technique to displaying of casual (not!) pictures that are screaming designers all over them. It’s like a bunch of big brother contestants dying for attention and walking that non-intentional extra mile to show off.

That means that, apart from Heroes, my afternoon was somewhat frustrating. Somehow I expect evolution from the world, but fact is it stays as dull as ever.

1 comment:

Ma said...

E eu comecei a ler seu post e nem me toquei que estava em inglês, o cérebro já faz o switch automático hahah. Menina, também tenho notado uma tendência virtual ( ou melhor blogística) de sair contabilizando marcas e acessórios. Que coisa, heim? Deve ser uma crise de adolescência virtual! Por aqui tivemos festa de despedida, vai lá ver as fotos no blog. Beijocas e adorei o papo outro dia.